Friday, May 21, 2010

How Ro Remove Cuban Tree Frog Repellent Removal Killer Noise Deterrent Pool Sleep Phobia

I realize there are those out there who adore frogs and there are reasons for that. However there are those of us out there who have been plagued by an invasion here in southern Florida of Cuban Tree frogs who have invaded our lives and prevented us from getting a good nights sleep for too long.

For those whose lives have been disrupted by the noise, feces, and nuisance of being in our pools I do have hope to regain your sleep. While I have battled and used every known recommendation I could find on the Internet over a 2 month fight (including snake repellent, moth balls, bleach, acid, bug poison, lights, iguana repellent and speaking to pest professionals) to regain our yard I found nothing that would work to deter or remove the frogs until...

I realized after studying the habits of these noisy guys that when the few females arrive at midnight and begin to "Croak" the males quickly show up in groves. I immediately deduced if the females did not "Call" the males would not come. I was able to kill the 8 females and thus immediately noticed that the hundreds of males were gone and most importantly quiet.

So in conclusion for those of you who suffer sleepless nights or phobias of frog infestations....the ONLY current remedy is to remove the females. They are the larger of the species and the fewer of the bunch. Once they are gone the males will not return as they are drawn to the "Croak" of the female during mating season all summer long. SO KILL 'EM!!!!